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The law firm deals with all areas of tax law: personal income tax, corporate income tax, VAT, stamp duty and inheritance tax, taxation of securities, taxation of corporate executives, municipal tax, etc.
Our specialized tax lawyers assist clients, particularly companies, in taking decisions with fiscal consequences as well as in tax audits or tax litigation before the country’s courts on a daily basis. They also help them in the context of their restructuring operations, with or without requests for advance rulings (fiscal rulings).
They intervene both in estate and inheritance planning. In this regard, our tax lawyers analyze all aspects of the client's situation (family situation, civil consequences, size and nature of the estate) in order to set up planning instruments that will ensure an effective protection of their assets. This protection can be ensured through conventional means such as donations, wills or life insurance, or more elaborate means involving the creation of various legal structures (such as foundations or the non-commercial society).
Our team also has extensive expertise in the administration of estates and probate.
In addition, our lawyers assist shareholders, especially when it comes to the transfer of family businesses. Small and medium-sized enterprises all face the issue of their transfer at some point in their existence. The guiding principle in this matter is anticipation. Our team guides clients by putting in place suitable solutions for the transfer of companies to both heirs and third parties.